St. Frances Cabrini
Monday June 2 11:30 a.m. Leona Mannabach
Tuesday June 3 11:30 a.m. Flo Meier
Wednesday June 4 11:30 a.m. Elsie Wessel
Thursday June 5 11:30 a.m. Special Intention
Friday June 6 11:00 a.m. Communion Service (LTC)
Long Term Care
1st Friday June 6 11:30 a.m. Francis Meier
1st Saturday June 7 8:00 a.m. Eileen Pratt
Saturday June 7 5:30 p.m. Donald Meier
Sunday June 8 10:00 a.m. Living and Deceased Members of Saint Frances Cabrini
St. Martin
Thursday June 5 7:30 a.m. Bob Geerdes
Sunday June 8 8:00 a.m. Living and Deceased Members of Saint Martin
A very gracious "thank you" to everyone who helped with Vacation Bible School this year. Thanks to the teachers: Holly Creamer, Taylore Schamberger, Kinley Rogers, Kelly Meyer, Darion Meyer, Skylar Tremblay, Alice Ziegler, Jacob Munk, Emma Weiner, Kaylee Watkins, Liz Zerr, Thaddeus Friess, Nick Munk, Ethan Weiner, Katie Geerdes, Norie Zerr, Emily Diercks, Ed Weiner, Kelsey Geerdes, Gabriel Friess, Ella Zerr, Molly Foote, Kathryn Haffner, Lexi Torluemke, Paiton Rogers, Imagen Tremblay, Zayetsy Gomez and to Christy Juenemann who was in charge of decorations. And if I have forgotten to mention any of you, thank you again! Your willingness to give your time and talent is much appreciated! God Bless you all and have a wonderful summer!
Enrollment forms for Totus Tuus and Vacation Bible School are in the parish hall. Please pick them up, fill them out and return them to the office or to Ellen ASAP! I only have 14 students signed up in the grade school and 4 in JH/High school for this amazing summer program!
We still need volunteers for VBS and Totus Tuus!! For VBS I still need a teacher for one of the classes and adults to lead games & music. For Totus Tuus we need extra helping hands and meal providers for the team!There are sign-up sheets in the parish hall.
Please keep them in your prayers over the next year as they take the next step in life!
Lacie Campbell - Kansas State University
Kristina Farber – Undecided
Alex Haffner – Fort Hays State University
Kathryn Haffner - Kansas State University
Kelsey Kelch - Colby Community College
Chase Kennedy – Fort Hays State University
Tyler Kaus – Undecided
Madi Niblock – Fort Hays State University
Quenton Rucker – Dodge City Community College
Chris Weber - Kansas State University
Eighth Grade
Landon Heim
Mercedes Kennedy
Darion Meyer
Cami Schamberger
Easton Slipke
We would also like to congratulate those of you who are graduating from College, Trade School, & the Military!